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Author Guidelines


"Ictus - The Journal of Cerebral Vascular Disease" is the official journal of the Mexican Association of Cerebral Vascular Disease A.C and publishes scientific contributions in the field of vascular neurology.

Format and preparation of manuscripts

Ictus publishes the following types of manuscripts: 1) Editorials, 2) Original articles, 3) Review articles, 4) Clinical case, 5) Images, 6) Controversies in Ictus, 7) History of Vascular Neurology and 9) Letters to the editor.

Original Articles

They are articles intended to report original researches results in the area of ​​vascular neurology, including clinical, basic, applied, and epidemiological research. Systematic Review can also be published in this section. This type of articles must be accompanied by a front letter with the signature of all the authors (this can be a digital or scanned signature) in which they approve the final version of the writing and its sending to Ictus. Send in the following order:

  1. Title, authors, affiliation of the authors and corresponding author with address, telephone, and electronic address. All communication between publishers and authors will be by email.
  2. Summary in Spanish (include five keywords at the end). Must be between 200 and 250 words
  3. Title and summary in English (include five keywords at the end).
  4. Introduction.
  5. Material and methods.
  6. Results.
  7. Discussion.
  8. Acknowledgments.
  9. Bibliographic references. It is also recommended to limit the number of bibliographic references (if possible, to a maximum of 80 citations)
  10. Tables. Maximum 5 tables
  11. Figures. Maximum 5 figures.
  12. Maximum extension of 3500 words

Review article

This section aims to present a review article on topics relevant to vascular neurology (narrative reviews can be included in this section). The editorial committee reserves the right to invite authors to publish particular review topics. Each review article must be written by a maximum of 6 authors. A maximum of 6 figures, 6 tables and 100 bibliographic references will be accepted.

Case Report

Case Report that are relevant not for their rarity but for their contribution to knowledge or teaching of a particular topic of vascular neurology will be published. They should be described in detail. References to drugs must be made through active ingredients. Paraclinical and laboratory parameter units must conform to international standards and systems.

Each Clinical Case must be written by a maximum of 5 authors. Maximum 3 figures and 2 tables and 25 bibliographic references.

The Case Report format is as follows:

  • Title
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Case Report
  • Discussion
  • Bibliographic references


Images that are relevant for their educational content will be published. Each image must be accompanied by a small clinical vignette and a maximum of 3 authors per manuscript will be accepted. Maximum 2 images and 10 bibliographic references Stroke controversies Without a defined periodicity, this section will be published, which will be chosen by the editorial committee and choosing by invitation the speakers on a topic of vascular neurology that will be discussed. History of Vascular Neurology Articles on the history of vascular neurology will be accepted for publication. A maximum of 3 authors per manuscript will be accepted for this section. Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor are short communications with various purposes. 1) Stimulate the discussion of the articles published in Ictus (The text in question should be no more than two pages); 2) Communication of brief scientific observations in which the author considers that the space of an original article is not required. In this case, a maximum of 3 pages, a table or figure and five bibliographic references and a maximum of 5 authors will be allowed. Editorials The magazine publishes editorials at the invitation of the editor.

Ictus - The Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease is an open access journal and is under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows the material to be shared and adapted as long as it is appropriately credited and indicated if changes have been made.

Ictus adheres to the recommendations for the preparation, presentation, edition, and publication of academic papers in medical journals of the International Committee of Directors of Biomedical Journals (ICMJE), as well as the Committee on Ethics for Publications (COPE for its acronym in English). At the following link you can access the ICMJE recommendations: For the translation of the ICMJE recommendations into Spanish at the following link:, and for the COPE guides at the following link: resources / guidelines / principles-of-transparency-and-best-practices-in-academic-publications

It is necesary that the authors use the guidelines for reporting and publishing health research (EQUATOR) for each type of study or manuscript. At the following link you can access these recommendations: For example, for randomized studies: CONSORT; for observational studies: STROBE; for systematic reviews: PRISMA; for case reports: CARE; for clinical practice guidelines: AGREE; among other.

Peer Review

Except for the editorials and the controversies section, all manuscripts are submitted for peer review on the subject: peer review, double blind which means that both authors and reviewers are anonymous for the review process. For this reason, please include the following information on a separate front page from the rest of the manuscript: Initial page (with data from the authors): title, name, affiliation of all authors, acknowledgments, Declarations of conflict of interest of all authors, full postal address and email of the corresponding author.

Blind manuscript (without authors): the body of the manuscript (with the figures, tables, references and acknowledgments) must not include any type of identification of the authors or their affiliations.

Interest conflict

According to the ICMJE, There is a conflict of interest when the professional evaluation of a primary interest (such as the well-being of the patients or the validity of the research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as an economic benefit). The suspicion that a conflict of interest exists is as important as its actual existence.

” Thus, the authors must explicitly declare whether or not there is a conflict of interest that may bias their work.


According to the ICMJE, the author of a manuscript must meet the following 4 criteria:

  • Substantive contributions to the concept or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the job;
  • Writing the work or critical review of the most important intellectual content;
  • Final approval of the version to be published;
  • Agreement to assume responsibility for all aspects of the work, ensuring that inquiries regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.

In addition, it is highly recommended that the ORCID identifier of each author be added, as well as the function that each author carried out in the realization of the document.


People who have contributed to the preparation of the manuscript but who do not meet all the aforementioned criteria, may be cited in the "Acknowledgments" part of the manuscript.

Plagiarism detection

Ictus takes plagiarism very seriously. In cases where this is detected, the manuscripts will be rejected and the authors and their respective institutions will be notified.

Ethical issues and informed consent

In cases where humans are used in clinical experiments, the authors must have the authorization of the ethics committee of their respective institutions. Furthermore, the authors must adhere to the “Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association - Ethical Principles for Medical Research in Human Beings”; Last update in 2013. In the following link you can access this document: -medical-research-in-human-beings/

The categories "Case Report" and "Clinical Snapshot" must be accompanied by an informed consent signed by the patient, guardian, or person responsible, in cases where the patient's identity cannot be protected. In the following link you can download the informed consent:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text has 1.5 line spacing; 12 point size with Times New Roman font; Italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); All figures and tables are placed at the end of the document after the bibliographical references. DO NOT USE JUSTIFIED TEXT
  • The upload should include 3 files: FILE NUMBER ONE (COVER LETTER) Page 1 must include title in Spanish and English, full name and ascription of all authors, address and email of the main author, short title for the heading of the publication. Page 2 should include abstract in Spanish and English with a maximum length of 255 words, and 5 keywords in Spanish and English (avoiding general, plural terms and multiplicity of concepts (such as the use of 'and' or 'of'). Abbreviations can only be used as keywords if they are firmly established in the specialty that corresponds to the article. FILE NUMBER TWO (MANUSCRIPT) Complete Manuscript of the work that includes the components of the work followed by bibliographical quotations ending with tables and figures. FILE NUMBER THREE (ATTACHMENTS) Attachments if requested by the editorial group.
  • The caption of tables and figures should start with the word "Table" or "Figure" followed by the Arabic number then by a dot, both in bold. After identification the caption text. The font size should be 12 points and 1.5 lines spacing with Times New Roman. Example: Table 1. Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of the population. Figure 1. Primary motor cortex is affected.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for referrals. And the DOI of the articles used in the Bibliographic References section should be added as far as possible.
  • Images (Figures): Formats: If you have used a Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint or Excel), please send the image in the proper format of the file. If you have used other applications, once the figure is finished, please do a 'Save as' or export or convert each of the image files to one of the following formats (note the resolution required for line drawings , halftones or combinations of both (detailed below): EPS (or PDF): vector images. Embed all the fonts you have used. TIFF (or JEPG) - Color or grayscale (halftone) photos, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi / dpi. TIFF (or JEPG): Bitmap, pure black and white pixels, with a resolution of at least 1,000 dpi / dpi. TIFF (or JEPG): combinations of bitmap lines and halftone images (color or grayscale), with a resolution of at least 500 dpi / dpi. Color images o Please check that the image files are in the correct format (TIFF (or JPEG), EPS (or PDF) or Microsoft Office files) and the required resolution.
  • Tables Submit tables as editable text, not images. You can place them within the manuscript, near the part of the text where they are mentioned, or also on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Number the tables consecutively according to their appearance in the text and place the corresponding notes under each table. Limit the use of tables and check that the data presented in them does not duplicate results already described in the text. Do not use vertical guidelines or shaded cells.
  • The bibliography will be cited under the rules of the "American Medical Association" (AMA). AMA Guideline Style Check that each reference given in the text appears in the list of references (and vice versa). It is not recommended to include personal communications or unpublished works in the reference list. It is highly recommended that the DOI be attached at the end of each bibliographic citation for its proper indexing in the journal's metadata.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines, which appear below in the section.


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